Update as of April 28, 2020:

The SIOP Board of Directors continues to monitor the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and its health and economic impact globally. The SIOP Board would like to reassure delegates that the Congress is still planned for October 2020, providing you with the opportunity to present your research and hear the latest updates.

We are exploring options for offering some or all of the 2020 Congress in a virtual format, in consideration of current and projected travel restrictions and social distancing concerns related to COVID-19. After reviewing the best available information and projections, the Board will make a final decision as soon as possible in order to allow members to plan accordingly. Should the meeting format change, adjustments will be made to the registration fee schedule.

As SIOP’s mission continues to focus on the global advancement of children with cancer and their families, our interest in the health and well-being of our members, many of whom are front-line providers, cannot be overstated.


Please find below answers to most frequently asked questions regarding the COVID-19 developments:

Yes. Currently, SIOP is continuing full preparations for the Ottawa Congress, as planned (14- 17 October 2020, Ottawa, Canada).

The SIOP Board of Directors continues to monitor the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic and its health and economic impact globally. The Board is aware of the decisions of other organisations to either postpone, cancel or plan for a virtual meeting but has not yet made a final decision on the meeting format for the 2020 Congress.

Currently, SIOP is continuing full preparations for the Ottawa meeting; however, we are also exploring options for offering some or all of the 2020 Congress in a virtual format, in consideration of current and projected travel restrictions and social distancing concerns related to COVID-19. After reviewing the best available information and projections, the Board will make a final decision as soon as possible in order to allow members to plan accordingly. Should the meeting format change, adjustments will be made to the registration fee schedule.

Following the COVID-19 developments, the CCI track at SIOP 2020 has been cancelled. If you are a member and want to join the Congress, you can still receive a reduced registration rate. Please use the contact form here, and select “Registration” as the Subject. 


An update from the CCI President: 

Due to the health and economic impact resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Board of Trustees of Childhood Cancer International and the Canadian CCI Local Organizing Committee have unanimously voted to cancel the CCI track of the 2020 Ottawa Congress. With a decline in donations for charities around the world, in addition to the increased time commitment required for organizations to address changes to their programs and services provided to children with cancer and their families, and the concern for the safety of our members, it was felt that cancelling the face-to-face conference would be best for the CCI community. We also felt that a virtual conference would be difficult to access fairly for our members who are located in different time zones around the world. As such, we have also decided to not proceed with a virtual conference.


In keeping with CCI’s bylaws, we will be holding a virtual Annual General Assembly and ask that full members watch their emails and the CCI website for further information.


While we are saddened that we won’t be gathering together in Ottawa, we encourage each of you, to participate as you are able, in the SIOP offerings for Ottawa, and wish each of you, health and safety as we look forward to coming together again in Hawaii in 2021.


Warm regards,


Ruth I Hoffman

President, Childhood Cancer International

Please note that the Abstract Submission for SIOP 2020 is now closed.

Currently, all submitted abstracts are being reviewed and the according notifications will be sent out in June.

Registration is now open and the early bird deadline is July 29.

Since the situation can be changing within hours at the moment, we cannot advise you what will happen until the summer months. As mentioned before, we continue to closely monitor the situation and issue regular updates to our members and community.

Congress Registration

SIOP is not planning to change the meeting dates or cancel the congress at this point in time. Depending on the global situation closer to the actual congress date, a final decision on hosting the meeting and respectively the registration policy will be taken and communicated to all registrants in due time.

Travel & Accommodation

Please keep flexibility and cancellation policies in mind when booking flights, accommodation or making any other travel arrangements for the annual congress.

Since cancellation terms depend on individual circumstances, please refer directly to your contractual partner.

As a general rule, the standard cancellation policy of your place of your travel provider and accommodation will apply. For detailed information, please contact your provider and, if required, your travel insurance company.

If you have any Congress related questions, please use the contact form here.

Please select the most relevant subject for your query and a member of our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

If you have any COVID-19 related questions, please visit our SIOP COVID-19 Resources & Guidance Webpage

The SIOP Board of Directors has been working with colleagues from St Jude global programme and clinicians working in the Lombardy area of Italy to provide you with easier access to what is currently known on the impact of the virus on the paediatric population and the management of children with cancer. Here is the first of two planned articles in Pediatric Blood and Cancer, which is available as open access to all: Early advice on managing children with cancer during the COVID-19 pandemic and a call for sharing experiences.  https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/pbc.28327

In addition, our president Prof Kathy Pritchard-Jones was so kind to share the
Children’s Cancer and Leukaemia Group (CCLG) Coronavirus advise for children and young people on active cancer treatment

Despite being UK specific, we believe this is a great resource and are hoping that other countries are doing something similar in other languages.


Our thoughts and wishes go out to affected patients and healthcare staff at this difficult time!

We will continue to closely monitor the situation and issue regular updates.

Take care of yourself, your loved ones and patients of course!

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